Fix Web Permissions
It will happen almost all the time when you copy some files from your local machine to your dev server that the file permissions won't be correcy.
This script can be used for production
Folder permissions should be 644
File permissions should be 755
The above may be different in folers where you want write permissions etc. But for most caeses the above will work fine.
But of course setting every foler to 644 and files to 755 will take a long time.
Or you can create a .sh script and paste the following
if [[ -z $1 ]]
echo "fwp [path] [user:group]"
echo "setting folder permissions to 755 recursive from $FIXPATH"
find "$FIXPATH" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
echo "setting file permissions to 644 recursive from $FIXPATH"
find "$FIXPATH" -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
if [[ -z $2 ]]
echo "Setting folder $FIXPATH to be owned by $GROUPTOSET"
find "$FIXPATH" -exec chown "$GROUPTOSET" {} \;
echo "restarting Apache"
echo systemctl restart httpd
This script takes two paramaters:
- The first param is the full path of the folders you want to affect
- The second param is the user and group you want to assign
./fixWebPermissions.sh /var/www apache:apache
- But we want the script to global accesible, and you need to make it executable
chmod +x /srv/scripts/fixWebPermissions.sh #make is executable
ln -s /usr/bin/fwp /src/scripts/fixWebPermissions.sh
Now you can run the script from anywhere by executing the following command:
fwp /var/www apache:apache