Foam Brain Starter Template
Foam is a tool that supports creating relationships between thoughts and information to help you think better.
Foam kitchen sink, showing a few of the key features
Whether you want to build a Second Brain or a Zettelkasten, write a book, or just get better at long-term learning, Foam can help you organise your thoughts if you follow these simple rules:
- Create a single Foam workspace for all your knowledge and research following the Getting started guide.
- Write your thoughts in markdown documents (I like to call them Bubbles, but that might be more than a little twee). These documents should be atomic: Put things that belong together into a single document, and limit its content to that single topic. source
- Use Foam’s shortcuts and autocompletions to link your thoughts together with [[wikilinks]], and navigate between them to explore your knowledge graph.
- Get an overview of your Foam workspace using a Graph Visualisation (⚠️ WIP), and discover relationships between your thoughts with the use of Backlinking
Foam is a like a bathtub: What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
To quickly get started with a new "foam brain" project I created a script that will create a new foam with a starter template
Create a new Foam Project
foam /var/www/zzz/projectFolder
Here is the script to expain what it does:
___ __ __ __ ___
|__ / \ /\ |\/| |__) |__) /\ | |\ | |\/| |__
| \__/ /~~\ | | .|__) | \ /~~\ | | \| . | | |___
01000110 01001111 01000001 01001101 00101110
01000010 01010010 01000001 01001001 01001110
00101110 01001101 01000101
echo "┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐" echo "│ INSTRUCTIONS - NEW FOAM BAIN │ echo "│ foam [path to new foam brain] │ echo "│ │ echo "│ Example: │ echo "│ foam /var/www/zzz/newBrain │ echo "│ │ echo "│ The above example will create directory │ echo "│ mkdir -p /var/www/zzz/newBrain │ echo "│ cp /srv/scripts/foam/template/* /var/www/zzz/newBrain │ echo "│ cd /var/www/zzz/newBrain │ echo "│ │ echo "│ Then if you have code-server installled it will attempt │ echo "│ to open vscode in the new foam brain │ echo "└────────────────────────────────────────────────┘" echo " "; echo "ENTER THE FULL PATH OF NEW FOAM BRAIN"; read BRAIN_PATH;
echo "CONFIRM FOAM PATH: $BRAIN_PATH ? yn"; Do read "Confirm yn" echo case $yn in [Yy]* ) mkdir -p $BRAIN_PATH; cp /srv/scripts/foam/template/* $BRAIN_PATH/; cd $BRAIN_PATH; [Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Goodbye!";; break;;
echo " "; echo " "; echo "by Charl Cronje - http://cv.webally.co.za"
Now the script must just be made executable:
chmod +x /srv/scripts/foam.sh
Create symbolic link to make the script global
ln -s /srv/scripts/foam.sh /usr/bin/foam