# Retype Build

Retype is a static site generator for markdown docs. More info

For my builds I use this Yaml template:

# Yaml template

# Retype.yml
input: src
output: public
url: https://tools.docs.webally.co.za
  title: webally.co.za Tools
  label: Docs
- text: webally.co.za Docs
  link: https://docs.webally.co.za
- text: Charl Cronje
  link: https://blog.webally.co.za
- text: webally.co.za Dashboard
  link: https://oz.webally.co.za
  copyright: "webAlly © Copyright . All rights reserved."

Every set of documents have this folder structure:

# Folder Structure

retype.yml (Docs root folder folder)
|- src
|- public
|- logs

In the srv/scripts folder there is a retype.sh file with the following content:

retype build

Then I created a Symbolic link link to /usr/bin/rt so when I need to recompile the docs in a folder I cd to the docs root folder and enter command


This might only save me 2 seconds but it just feels like so much less hassle and less to remember, In a way this automated the process in a way, because I know there is only one step and what it's done compiling I have the peace of mind that I did not forget anything.