# Bash Scripts: Service menu

Stopping and starting services and docker containers can be a pain, so i created a script to make it less irritating and boring to do.

# Use the service-menu (sm)

# I added the folder where I saved all my scripts to the PATH
# So just enter the following:
service-menu or sm

Something that looks like this or something close to this will be displayed

Service Menu
Service Menu

# Update 2022-02-02

I Updated the service menu with the -r flag and the -s flag

# Usage -r Flag

sm -r

### This will run the same menu but instead of the the service wither stopping or starting depending on it's status, -r will send a restart command to any of the servies or containes chosen

# Usage -s Flag

sm -s

### This will run the same menu but instead of the the service wither stopping or starting depending on it's status, -s will send a status / inspect command to any of the servies or containes chosen

# Update 2022-03-05

I updated the service menu with -ss, -r, -s, -rs, -es, -rc and -ec flags. Here is the service menu as it stands now

.__ .___.  . __..___.__ .  .   .  ..___
|  \[__ \  /(__ [__ [__)\  /   |\/|[__
|__/[___ \/ .__)[___|  \ \/  * |  |[___

Select Service / Container Start or Stop
│ -ss   : Start / Stop Service or Container      │
│ -r    : Restart Service or Container           │
│ -s    : Get the Status of Service or Container │
│ -rs   : Show all Active and Running Services   │
│ -es   : Show all Active but Exited Services    │
│ -rc   : Show all Active and Running Containers │
│ -ec   : Show all Active but Stopped Containers │
 1) code-server           11) dillinger             21) nginx
 2) coder-cloud-redirect  12) docker                22) n8n
 3) codiad                13) doublecommander       23) portainer
 4) cloud9                14) droppy                24) rstudio-server
 5) cloudcmd              15) fail2ban              25) snippetbox
 6) couchDb               16) flamedashboard        26) Olivetin
 7) cockpit               17) heimdall              27) organizr
 8) containerd            18) httpd                 28) vikunja
 9) dashboard             19) mariadb               29) vsc-server
10) dashmachine           20) mumin-node            30) EXIT

This script has really been growing with my dev server and it's still the quickest most efficient way to:

  • Start / Stop Services
  • Start / Stop Containers
  • Get the status of a service or to inspect a container
  • Get a list of all my active / inactive services and containers
  • Restart a service or container

When you open the script it's so simple



if [ -z $1 ]; then      # This is true when no param is set
clear;                  # Clear the screen
echo ".__ .___.  . __..___.__ .  .   .  ..___"
echo "|  \[__ \  /(__ [__ [__)\  /   |\/|[__ "
echo "|__/[___ \/ .__)[___|  \ \/  * |  |[___"
echo " "
echo " ";
# Set Heading Depending on the param specified
[[ "$ACTION" == "-r" ]] && echo "Select Service / Container to Restart";            
[[ "$ACTION" == "-s" ]] && echo "Select Service / Container Inspect or get Status";
[[ "$ACTION" == "-ss" ]] && echo "Select Service / Container Start or Stop";
# Draw nice help menu
echo "┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
echo "│ -ss	: Start / Stop Service or Container      │"
echo "│ -r	: Restart Service or Container           │"
echo "│ -s	: Get the Status of Service or Container │"
echo "│ -rs 	: Show all Active and Running Services   │"
echo "│ -es 	: Show all Active but Exited Services    │"
echo "│ -rc 	: Show all Active and Running Containers │"
echo "│ -ec 	: Show all Active but Stopped Containers │"
echo "└────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

# Start or stop a service, if it is running it will be stopped, if it is not running it will be started
function serviceStartStop {
   STATUS=$(systemctl status "$1" | grep Active | awk '{print $2}')
   echo "$1 is currently $STATUS";
   if [ "$STATUS" == "active" ]; then
      echo "Stopping Service: $1";
      systemctl stop "$1" & echo "Done" || echo "failed";
   elif [ "$STATUS" == "inactive" ]; then
   	echo "Staring Service: $1"
      systemctl start "$1" && echo "Done" || echo "failed"
   elif [ "$STATUS" == "failed" ]; then    
      echo "See systemctl status $1.service and journalctl -xe for details."     
      systemctl start "$1" && echo "Done" || echo "failed";
	   JOURNAL=$(journalctl -xe)
	   echo "Journal: "
       echo "$JOURNAL"
   systemctl status "$1"

# Restart selected service
function serviceRestart {
    echo "Restarting $1"
    systemctl restart "$1"
	systemctl status "$1"

# Get the status of selected service
function serviceInspect {
    echo "Getting $1 Status"
    systemctl status "$1"

# Start or stop a container, if it is running it will be stopped, if it is not running it will be started
function dockerStartStop {
   STATUS=$(docker ps -a | grep "$1" | awk '{print $7}' )
   echo "$1 is currently $STATUS";
   if [ "$STATUS" == "Up" ]; then
      echo "Stopping Docker Container: $1";
      docker stop "$1" & echo "Done" || echo "failed" wait;
      echo "Staring Docker Container: $1";
      docker start "$1" & echo "Done" || echo "failed" wait;
   STATUS=$(docker ps -a | grep "$1")
   echo "$STATUS"

# Restart selected container
function dockerRestart {
    echo "Restarting $1"
    docker restart "$1"

# Inspect selected container
function dockerInspect {
    echo "Inspecting $1 Container"
    docker container inspect "$1"

# List all running services
[[ "$ACTION" == "-rs" ]] && systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running  --all
# List all exited services
[[ "$ACTION" == "-es" ]] && systemctl list-units --type=service --state=exited
# List all running containers
[[ "$ACTION" == "-rc" ]] && docker ps
# List all exited containers
[[ "$ACTION" == "-ec" ]] && docker ps --filter "status=exited"

# main menu options 
select OPTION in code-server coder-cloud-redirect codiad cloud9 cloudcmd couchDb cockpit containerd dashboard dashmachine dillinger docker doublecommander droppy fail2ban flamedashboard heimdall httpd mariadb mumin-node nginx n8n portainer rstudio-server snippetbox Olivetin organizr vikunja vsc-server EXIT
	case $OPTION in 
	httpd|mariadb|nginx|cloudcmd|code-server|coder-cloud-redirect|cockpit|containerd|docker|fail2ban|mumin-node|Olivetin|rstudio-server|vault|vikunja) # These are all the services
		[[ "$ACTION" == "-r" ]] && serviceRestart "$OPTION";
	    [[ "$ACTION" == "-s" ]] && serviceInspect "$OPTION";
		[[ "$ACTION" == "-ss" ]] && serviceStartStop "$OPTION";
	portainer|codiad|droppy|snippetbox|organizr|heimdall|couchDb|dashboard|dashmachine|flamedashboard|cloud9|doublecommander|dillinger|vsc-server) #these are all the containers
		[[ "$ACTION" == "-r" ]] && dockerRestart "$OPTION";
		[[ "$ACTION" == "-s" ]] && dockerInspect "$OPTION";
		[[ "$ACTION" == "-ss" ]] && dockerStartStop "$OPTION";

		echo "That was an invalid option, try agian"