# WGET to download entire website

# WGET has always been capable of this

I always know WGET could download and follow link, so it should therefor be obvious that that it should be able to download an entire website with all of the assets including

  • Images
  • StyleSheets
  • Video
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • API Requests
  • Login and Save Session

# People from theme websites... Please read below

  • So far I just wanted to test a template from Theme Forrest before I actually buy it. I've wondered if the people at Theme Forrest actually think that the developer and the client sit there together and choose a template... 🤯 Right... it is much more likely that the developer choose a template that looks good, change it in a meaningful way and sell the design for a profit and only then pay for the theme.
  • I mean I do feel for the UI designers and others that spend so much time making those templates and probably not getting paid because the developer know how to run a simple WGET command.
  • Maybe one of those UI developers are reading this and fuming at the mouth now... But being angry at the guy simply pointing out the obvious is not the way to go. If you expect the people to pay just because it is the right thing to do, then I actually agree. And every time I have used a template or theme or whatever I did buy it before I handed over the project to my client. I guess it would be theft if you didn't or fraud.
  • But here is the issue... Most of the world don't really care about the law if they have starving kids at home and the $20 they are stealing is feeding his entire family for a day or two.

# What I suggest

  • It is a fact that most developers won't ask their clients to go choose a template from Theme Forrest or similar website, not because they want to take the credit for creating the UI, more because clients only see pictures and UI and wouldn't understand that the UI is just a part of a much bigger whole.
  • 90% of the time a developer will also only use maybe one or two pages and 5 or 6 components. One of the pages will probably be the blank page that is usually there, the sign up and sign in pages, a content page, and the contact us page, the rest of the stuff like the invoice page, blog page, chat page, timeline, etc, is cool and it makes the theme look so much nicer, but it is not very useful in most cases.
  • Here is what I am getting at... Start selling the components on per component basis, but not just that, also add the API call to the Developer's server or whatever the developer needs to be fetched and displayed in that component. Update the registration for and sign in for to suit the developer's needs. Also update the css to fit with his existing project. Add validation to the form.
  • For the person who created the theme it would literally take minutes to do what I just mentioned and there are so much more to be done in that direction. So the point I'm trying to make is, stop trying to sell entire themes to people, people don't ever need the full theme, just sell parts they want and make up the money by customizing the components for each client. Of course if they wanted you to connect to a public API, then you've got another Component that is now even more useful to add to you products.

# Does it make sense?

  • I hope that made sense, I should, I hope, I mean no one buys all the possible furniture from shop just because they wanted a table and some chairs. No people are much more likely to buy what they want and ask the shop to modify the pieces to fit where they where they are needed. So wht should developers or whoever pay for all that unwanted items instead of what they want and to get it modified how they want to use it

# WGET's command already...

For all the non UI creators and designers who also read all of my opinions patiently, thank you, it's nice of you, but not necessary, because in this case all the above is the parts of the themes no-one uses and could just as well been left unwritten in most cases. All most people are interested in is getting to the the wget command. So here it is:

wget -mpEk "https://website.com/index.html"

That simple command works at last half the time, it is far from perfect, but it is simple, you should be able to remember it and then you will find yourself using it all the time.

PS: I'm comment to to all my docs, and should be live soon, I'd like to get some feedback from anyone who feels they also want to give their opinion about this subject, or even something else... I will make more sense if is related to this subject matter, so, hmmm, lets see what happens 🙈